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This Week’s Obsession : All Time Low

All Time Low has been my favorite band for quite a while and remembering that I am seeing them on the Back To Future Hearts Tour makes me freak out inside. So to properly prepare myself for Sunday, I have been listening to them practically non-stop the last few days and I’m here for you. Here are my 10 favorite All Time Low songs. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to let me know if there are any that I’ve missed.

10. Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last for a Night)

This song, in my opinion, is extremely underrated. “So Wrong It’s Right,” also has “Popping Champagne,” and “Dear Maria,” so it tends to be forgotten. This is a song you put on blast when you’re feeling worried about the future, which as a college student happens all the time. It reminds you to keep moving forward and that’s something I feel like a lot of people need to hear right now.

9. Guts

I know so many people who hated “Dirty Work,” and I’m not entirely sure why. Whatever, whether you loved it or hated it, you can’t deny that “Guts” is a great song. Maja Ivarsson’s voice mixes with Alex’s so well that it literally gives me chills. You put on when you’re upset in the car and it’s raining and just have that perfect indie movie moment.

8. The Girl’s a Straight-Up Hustler

The “Put Up or Shut Up,” EP is one of my prized possessions. I think that it has some of their best work on it – especially this song. This works in a variety of situations. Are you mad at an ex? Listen to this song. Did a girl from school really piss you off? Listen to this song. Is that lady in the car next to you at a stop light giving you a weird look? Listen to this song. It’s a great big middle finger.

7. Hello, Brooklyn

*Gasp* This is the first song off of “Nothing Personal,” on this list. This is a song that appears in my iTunes shuffle quite a lot. Perfect at getting you hype for pretty much anything – even an occasional 8 AM Science class. Also, a great song for learning a bunch of different city names. Who knows, when you’re in Geography that might be useful. Put on this song and just want to dance, sing, and jump around. It’s great.

6. So Long, Soldier

This song just makes you feel some kind of way. It is this weird reminiscent thing. It says how they started and give them time because they’re going to do great things… and they are! If you’re just getting into the band it’s not their entire history but it’s what you need to know. Alex was from the UK. He moved to Baltimore. He met the guys. They started a band. The rest is history.

5. Old Scars/Future Hearts

We’re getting into the nitty-gritty now. “Future Hearts,” was a great album and a near-perfect, if not perfect, follow up to Don’t Panic, and this is really inspiring. They put a fun and catchy rhythm with lyrics that hold a meaning that you might not catch. Sometimes life sucks and it’ll kick you down and you’ll get hurt but it’s up to you to keep going. You’re responsible for your destiny. “I won’t fade away, be forgotten, or just cast away. This life is mine to live.”

4. Therapy

This song has been extremely helpful for me since moving to school. Work and deadlines make you so anxious that you think you’re going crazy but this song is just calming. If you get the chance to hear All Time Low play this song live, listen to the speech that comes before it. It will show you more about this band than any interview ever will. “Therapy is a kid’s worst nightmare, everyone is telling them that they need help when all they really need is a hug.”

3. Weightless

You doing okay? If not, listen to this song. Things will get better . A bad day doesn’t mean it’s a bad life. It’s okay to just put your problems aside for a little bit and just be. Live your life the way you want and roll with the punches. Things will get better. This is one of All Time Low’s more popular songs and had a fun video to match. It pulled out all the stops, with bright lights and a fun live performance. Not to mention, they also had some celebrity cameos by Pete Wentz and Mark Hoppus.

2. The Edge of Tonight

This song could be about a friend, a parent, a girlfriend or boyfriend. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. It’s okay to need help. This just makes me think about all those people in my life who have made me a better person and made me who I am. A few people definitely come to mind when listening to this.

1. Jasey Rae

This is the first All Time Low song I heard and it was love at first listen. It was the start of my personal music development. When I listen to this, I go back in my mind to the moment I heard it – the bridge especially. “I’ve never told a lie and that makes me a liar. I’ve never made a bet but we gamble with desire. I’ve never lit a match with intent to start a fire but recently the flames are getting out of control.”

There you have it! Those are my “Top 10 Favorite All Time Low Songs.” Stay tuned for the next post which will be the Back To Future Hearts Tour!! Thanks for reading!

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