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Around The World & Back This Year

Last summer I was lucky enough to see the band Neck Deep do an acoustic performance and signing in Wilkes-barre, PA. Since then I have also seen them on the Back To Future Hearts Tour at the Agora Theater in Cleveland last November. Then in December, they announced the best news that my little pop-punk heart could hear … “World Tour.” What made this news even more exciting for me were the words, “with State Champs.” Now, I’m not going to lie to you, I was not a hardcore State Champs fan. However, I knew my best friend Molly was and I had listened to their newest album, “Around The World And Back,” many times. They were pretty great. Molly and I had both agreed that we would find a way to get to Cleveland and see this show. Lucky for us, our friend Cortnee also loved these bands and had family who lived just outside of the city. We were all set.

Friday night, we waiting inside the Encore restaurant attached to the theater to avoid the snowstorm happening outside, and were let in a few minutes after Toronto-based punk band Like Pacific started playing. After paying our $3 for not being 21, (I’m not going to get onto that tangent now but let’s just say it was dumb) we went in and enjoyed the last few songs of Like Pacific’s set.

First impressions? They were good. They had awesome stage presence, seemed like really down-to-Earth Canadian dudes, the one song I knew, they played extremely well. I definitely would want to see them again.

“I’ve heard of Like Pacific before this tour but I have never listened to them before. But after hearing them live I sure will be listening to their music way more” – Molly

After Like Pacific, Knuckle Puck from Chicago, Illinois took the stage and killed it… absolutely killed it. I knew more of Knuckle Puck than I did of Like Pacific and I had been listening to their new album “Copacetic” for a few days before the show. I was not surprised to see the fans get completely lost in their set and when they started playing, “No Good,” I feared for my safety in the best way possible. Live they sounds a lot like their recording. They’re genuine songwriters; record what they want to play and play what they’ve recorded.

First Live Impression? These guys are well on their way to becoming big names in pop-punk and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them.

“Knuckle Puck never fails to bring the true sad kid out in me” – Molly

Now was time for my boys. Based on all of the Neck Deep merchandise I saw fans wearing everywhere as we entered the venue, I was surprised to see they weren’t closing the show. Nonetheless, they still gave a performance to remember. Opening with “Citizens of Earth,” the show was already off to a hyped-up start. One of the things I love about Neck Deep’s performances is that they all just seem to really enjoy what they’re doing. I loved seeing Sam interact with the other members on stage – especially Fil. They were feeding off of the energy of the crowd and each other, making it really fun to watch. You could tell from the crowd surfers, numerous mosh pits, and of course the deafening sing-alongs the crowd was into it.

I’ve had so much fun watching Neck Deep climb to the top and I know they’re not done yet. Every show I’ve seen they’ve been tight and energetic and passionate – which is exactly what you want to see in a live band.

“Neck Deep means more to me now than they used to. That’s because every time I have seen them was with Mackenzie and it’s the time we both can release our emotions out together and just let loose in those pits.” – Molly

Finishing up the night was New York’s pop-punk band, State Champs. Opening up with “Eyes Closed,” they did a good job of incorporating their new songs from last year’s release of “Around the World and Back,” with their older stuff from “The Finer Things,” and “Overslept.” This was my first time seeing them and I have to say, I was impressed. I am not going to pretend to that I knew all the words to all of the songs that they played because that would be a lie but I had a lot of fun. Most of the songs I know from State Champs are from “Around the World and Back,” but hearing them play more songs live, I was really feeling it.

Before we went into it, Molly told me I would like hearing them live more than I did on their recorded stuff. I think she was right. You can’t quite grasp the feeling in songs when listening to a record as much as you can live. They all looked like they were having fun, dancing around the stage and playing songs to hundreds of screaming fans who were shoving each other out of the way just to get a better view. Derek’s vocals impressed me just for the sheer power behind them and Tony was just entertaining to watch – with his insane afro just headbanging along.

I didn’t know what to expect with State Champs but without a doubt they made me a fan. I’ve seen a lot of people really get into State Champs over the last few months and after seeing them live, I completely understand why. They deserve this and more.

“State Champs has been one of my favorite pop punk bands for a few years now and seeing them live just keeps getting better. But this time was the best because they played my favorite song Critical!!!!”- Molly

All-in-all, this show was one of the best shows I’ve seen. Period. That’s it. If you get a chance, they’re still on the road until March and will be playing the So What?! Festival in Dallas, Texas on March 19!

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